
This is the ‘safe’ version of the It’s Not That Deep website, designed with simpler text and visuals to be more discreet.

You know when your line’s been crossed. If it felt weird, unsafe, or not right in any other way, you may have experienced a form of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).

VAWG can include harassment, abuse, controlling behaviour, and more.

If you or someone you know may have experienced a form of VAWG and you want to learn more or get support, see below.

Lambeth-based? Call: 020 7733 8724. 8am–6pm, Monday to Sunday, with an additional out-of-hours on-call service provided.

EMAIL: [email protected]. You can expect a response within 24 hours.

To refer a victim and survivor, with their consent, complete the Gaia Centre referral form.

Not Lambeth-based? ​Visit the Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

In an emergency, always ring 999.